Lens and Light Blog

  1. Finland trip, summer 2024

    2024-07-17 23:34:21 UTC
    I recently traveled to Finland and Estonia with two of my teen boys. It was an incredible trip and there was so much that we delighted in taking in. We ate delicious smoked salmon, creamy yogurts, sweet summer strawberries, reindeer meat, and piirakkas (a rye dough patty filled with rice…

  2. Honoring the human in my child

    2024-04-26 18:24:16 UTC
    I have a confession to make. The boxes under my son’s bed give me anxiety. Every time I see them, I want to go through them and organize them - toss out the old popsicle stick creations, put away the random batteries, screwdrivers, and flashlights from around the house, and…

  3. What do I wear for Senior Pictures?

    2024-03-26 17:56:43 UTC
    Congratulations High School or University senior! I am so glad you are taking the time and effort to get photos of this pivotal time in your life. You will love having professional portraits to look back on. But choosing what to wear can be difficult! Here are my tips for…

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